Duck and crow fight for food |
Duck and crow fight for food on snow
Price: 10

Man feed duck in winter park |
Man feed duck in winter park
Price: 10

Carphatian mountains |
"Eastern Carphatian mountains, Ukraine"
Price: 10

Deer Tick with Tweezers and Dog Collar |
A dead deer tick (with some legs broken off) with tweezers and a dog collar. This tick was a carrier of Lyme Disease.
Price: 10

Graduation |
"portrait of young girl
Thank You! post-it |
"a yellow post-it note with the words 'Thank you!' written in black marker pen.
Blood pressure insrument |
"Sphygmomanometer - an inflatable cuff used to measure blood pressure.
"Ferry on the Hudson River, New York City (XXXL)" |
"Ferry on the Hudson River, New York City (XXXL)"
Price: 10

Keys |
business tools on laptop
Price: 10

Scleroderma citrinum |
Scleroderma citrinum in autumn
Price: 10

Friends |
Three teenage friends
Price: 10

Rock Star - Cinematic Look |
"High quality, professional, full HD music related videos. Color corrected, 24p cinematic look, depth of field.
Musician Playing Electric Guitar |
"High quality, professional, full HD music related videos. Color corrected, 24p cinematic look, depth of field.
Black and white image of a woman with parasol |
"a hip young woman holding an umbrella and looking over her shoulder - black and white.